In preparation for my exam in Dynamics of Race, Gender, and Culture I thought I would take some time to reflect upon the work of Paulo Freire. In class we discussed Pedogogy of the Oppressed and we came across a problem posing concept of education and the banking system. The banking system suggests that education becomes an act of depositing. The teacher becomes the oppressor; they are seen as knowledgeable and "fills" the student with information. In contrast the student becomes the oppressed; they are seen as passive, unquestioning, and are judged on how much information they can "contain".

I will close by saying, "In order for the oppressed to be able to wage the struggle for their liberation, they must perceive the reality of oppression not as a closed world from which there is no exit, but as a limiting situation which they can transform" (p. 49). My situation is limited for the moment as I will continue to study, go to class, and do my work in exchange for a degree. But be prepared, for when I leave this institution, I WILL liberate myself and transform the world!
Si se puede!
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