Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Banking System

In preparation for my exam in  Dynamics of Race, Gender, and Culture  I thought I would take some time to reflect upon the work of Paulo Freire. In class we discussed Pedogogy of the Oppressed and we came across a problem posing concept of education and the banking system. The banking system suggests that education becomes an act of depositing. The teacher becomes the oppressor; they are  seen as knowledgeable and "fills" the student with information. In contrast the student becomes the oppressed; they are seen as passive, unquestioning, and are judged on how much information they can "contain".

215521_10150550347010623_852085622_17919327_5324841_n.jpgWith this this said, as I sit here studying for my exam I cannot help but think about the system in place that continues to oppress us as students. I am studying concepts and terms trying to familiarize myself with the definitions and meanings that have been presented to us in class. We claim to acknowledge that this form of oppression exists within the system and we even go as far as dedicating our class to learning about this but I am still troublesome and bothered by the idea of having to continue abide by this system of oppression. I, along with my fellow classmates have been forced to memorize mechanically the content that has been given to us over the course of the semester in exchange for a grade. Again, I cannot help but think about the work of Freire. What is the point of ackowledging his work if we continute to perpetuate this system of oppression?

I will close by saying, "In order for the oppressed to be able to wage the struggle for their liberation, they must perceive the reality of oppression not as a closed world from which there is no exit, but as a limiting situation which they can transform" (p. 49). My situation is limited for the moment as I will continue to study, go to class, and do my work in exchange for a degree. But be prepared, for when I leave this institution, I WILL liberate myself and transform the world!

Si se puede!

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